Tag Archives: nepali

देश भक्ति के होला ?

देश भक्ति के होला ?
थाहा भएन मलाई। 

तर देश भक्ति के होईन त्यो कुरामा चाहिँ म प्रश्ट छु :

  1. पुर्खाको “बीरताको” आड लिएर आफुलाई बीर ठान्ने।
  2. देशको लागि मर्छु भन्ने।
  3. अन्याय सहँने प्रवृतिलाई धैर्यवान ठान्ने। 
  4. दुई पुस्ता पछिको लागि क्रान्ति गर्छु भन्दै हिँडने।
  5. आफ्नो हक-हित खोज्दा अरुको छिन्ने।
  6. मार्कसवाद, पुँजीवाद, राजावाद, मावोवाद ,जातीबाद, धर्मवाद, अधिनायकवाद। अाफ्नै सिद्धान्तले मात्रै देश बनाउँछ भनि जाई लाग्ने।
  7. अरुले गु खायो भन्दैमा आफुले पनि गु खान पाउनु पर्छ भन्ने।
  8. आफ्नो घर आँगन चिटिक्क पार्ने तर टोलको मतलब नराख्ने ।
  9. धन, पद, ठाँऊ कमाउदैँमा देशको सेवा गरेँ ठान्ने।
  10. मैले आफ्ना छोरा छोरीलाई गरेँ। सबैले त्यसै गरे त देश बनिहाल्छ भनि सोच्ने।

देश भक्ति के होला त ?

Photo credit: facebook.com/nepalunites

be the other one percent.

Right now, a very small group, maybe about 1% of Nepalis, they rule over the rest of us. We follow them (overwhelmingly unwillingly).
These people excel by harming the interests of Nepalis. They rule by installing fear into your lives. They take undue advantage of our patience and dis-unity. Some may even say, they treat us like slaves.

Is there an alternative to this? Yes I believe, there is.

Be the other 1% .

Why is this important?
Because the rest of Nepalis (the 98%) are followers, sheeps waiting for an alternative. Who-ever (you?) creates this alternate 1% stand a good chance of shaping Nepal’s future.

So who could be the alternate 1% ? I would start with us, the “common sense leaders, the one percent-ers“. (see the image below).

This ?  Are you part of this ?

common sense movement networking structure

More importantly, are you organizing your group to be part of this?

Ever cried for your country ?

“Ever cried for your country?” is a brilliant opinion that questions our sense of patriotism in Nepal and teaches us what it means to be a patriot. You may start re-evaluating your sense of civic duty for Nepal instead of complaining about the situation in Nepal. Your call! –>This is a full (yet slightly edited for typos and grammar) text of the original article published some time ago in the Kathmandu Post.

By BAN WHI MIN (The writer is a 15 year-old student of Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, South Korea).

यही लेख नेपालीमा पनि यहाँ पढ्नुहोस्

Nepalese complain about the caste system and corrupt officers. They openly vent their anger against the government. But have they ever thought About Nepal’s real problems? I believe that they have not. I want to say that Nepal’s real problems are lack of patriotism among the people and lack of love for one another. This is the conclusion I have reached during my stay. This summer, I did voluntary work from July 5 to July 30 at FHI Ever Vision School, Matatirtha, Kathmandu.

वीर गोर्खालीLet me first

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