Tag Archives: leadership change

Can you become an “Insurgent Politician?” by Ravi Kumar

This is a guest post by Ravi Kumar. Can you become an “Insurgent Politician?”

Would you suggest a child, a youth or a budding professional to become a politician when we can’t seem to elect the next prime minister for the umpteenth time? Have you asked your daughter/son or a relative to serve the nation? Most likely, we never suggest anyone to become a politician or become a public servant. Our society doesn’t have a culture of training a politician. It is considered a “dirty game”. We believe that you can only become a politician if you are evil. Well, since evil people do no good for the society, you do know that,

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.

We the good citizens of our poor nation, should consider serving our nation. The reality of Nepal leaves us with no other choice. As most of the citizens grow desperate, the current political leaders fails for the eighteenth time to elect the prime minister. And yet, these prodigal politicians sing the song of “consensus” and are doing their best to live a luxurious

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‘खान पुगोस्, दिन पुगोस्!’

‘ खान पुगोस्, दिन पुगोस्! ‘ -रवीन्द्र मिश्र

Discuss the full article written by Rabindra Mishra in Nepali daily “नागरिक” (see link below) and do contribute in your views there.

बालबालिकालाई सानैदेखि व्यक्ति केन्द्रित हुन सिकाउने तर तिनै बालबालिकाबाट वयस्क भएपछि समाजका लागि योगदानको अपेक्षा गर्ने हाम्रो व्यवहार र सोचमा अन्तर्विरोध छ।

मेरा साथीकी आमा छिन् – पवित्रदेवी रायमाझी। उनको दिनचर्या नामजस्तै पवित्र हुन्छ। प्रेम, उदारता, स्वच्छता र भक्ति उनका विशिष्ट गुण हुन्। दिनभर प्रत्यक्ष र अप्रत्यक्ष पाप गर्ने अनि साँझबिहान भगवानको अर्चना गरेर पखाल्न खोज्ने पाखण्डीका भिडबाट उम्केर पवित्रदेवीको घरमा पुग्दा मलाई आफूभित्रका तुसहरू एकैछिनका लागि भएपनि मेटिएजस्तो लाग्छ। आफूसँग भएको सबै सुम्पिएर लोक कल्याणमा जीवन अर्पण गर्ने अनुराधा कोइराला या दिलशोभा श्रेष्ठको जस्तो महानता बिरलैमा हुन्छ। त्यसैले, ‘व्यावहारिक कल्याण’ या हरेक व्यक्तिले आफ्नो गच्छेअनुसार सकेको कल्याणकारी काम गर्ने संस्कारको विकास गर्न सकियो भने समाज धेरै न्यायपूर्ण र सुसंस्कृत हुनसक्थ्यो भन्ने मेरो विश्वास छ। त्यसैले ‘व्यावहारिक कल्याण’ को प्रसंग म मौका पाउनेबित्तिकै गरिहाल्छु। कुराकानीका क्रममा एकदिन पवित्रदेवीका छोरा मेरा मित्र श्रीरामले भने – ‘मेरी आमाले दसैंमा आशीर्वाद दिँदा सधैं भन्नुहुन्छ – ‘खान पुगोस्, दिन पुगोस्!’ पवित्रदेवीका ती शब्द मलाई ‘व्यावहारिक कल्याण’ को विश्वासलाई भत्किन नदिने प्रेरणा बनेका छन्। र, हरेक दसैँमा म उनलाई श्रद्धापूर्वक संझने गर्छु।

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The current state of affairs in Nepal: Time to wake up


►Nepali who have the ability to create jobs, are afraid to invest time, effort into it,
►Nepali who have wealth, are willing to go to any lengths to hide it,
►Nepali who have ideas and know-how, want to keep it to themselves either out of fear or lack of trust or because they are sucked dry by the negative environment around them,
►Nepali who want to improve but cannot because the  only ways to improve comes at the cost of taking some one else’s space (or rights, or wealth or territory or dignity)

Would you like to change this ?
or are you waiting for the day,

►When people with common sense, are forced to hide their “common sense” out of fear that they will be branded “anti-Nepali”?

What are you doing to change this environment ?

There are 2 kinds of people in Nepal right now. Those who are working to change the environment and the others are who want to wait for others to change it for them?

If you are the 2nd kind, I am sorry for you. I urge you to stop being lazy and for once

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