Tag Archives: leadership

Common sense questions for Nepal’s rulers

Dear Rulers
You have been ruling us for some time now, some of you, for 5 or 10 or 15 or even 20 years now. So we want you to answer a few questions below.

  • Why are the hundreds of elected lawmakers needed when at the end only 3 or 4 politicians decide everything for them (through ‘whip’?
  • Why do you stop hydro-power companies from investing here, if you talk about hydro-power as a major export and development catalyst for Nepal? (we went more than 12 hours a day without electricity every winter for nearly a decade)
  • Why do you talk about democracy, when you issue “whip” to your 100’s of elected lawmakers, forcing them to vote along party leaders lines only?
  • Why do you talk about youths as Nepal’s future, when youths are clearly the “present” of the country? (82% of Nepali are under 40)
  • Why do you call other countries to help and beg for aid if you don’t want any foreign interference? (30% of economy runs on aid)
  • Why does Bagmati still stink when for over

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when looters become rulers

Here is a movie theme. Begins like this:

डाकुहरु (looters) take turns looting and pillaging a village. The village is sucked high and dry repeatedly. Then a scuffle breaks out among the looters over who gets to loot and pillage the village this season!

The villagers are on their knees, begging for survival. The looters just can’t agree until the very last moment….  Meanwhile the village awaits fearfully.

Lo! A decision has been made. They have decided to let the sucked dry village live but on ONE condition only.
That they be allowed to rule the village unconditionally and with impunity, for one more year.
The villagers all agree! A sigh of relief is heard everywhere, some rejoice the breakthrough! Some are seen thanking their looters for saving  the village from “certain” disaster!
A large quiet majority sit mute, maybe out of fear or disunity. ” ke garne  के गर्ने ? “

Final scene: The Looters rule the village again while another group of looters scheme for their downfall. The villagers are glad to have survived another year ???

THE END. (This Film repeats again……and again……… and again in the Cinema hall near you )

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leadership attributes: emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence:

or the ability to empathize, has a keen self awarness, good social skill, is motivated and is known for self -regulation.

Look for these attributes in your next hiree or employee or partner, if you want to know  if he or she is made out to be a good leader or not.

Don’t just rest on Intelligence (IQ) or techincal or management skills alone.. Look for “emotional intelligence” in the person.

Get to the top by building emotional intelligence.

What is your experience in finding leadership qualities in people here in Nepal?

Few good things happening in Nepal

Lately amid all the gloom and pessimism, haven’t been thinking of much of good things happening in Kathmandu (not Nepal, just Kathmandu)

I have absolutely no idea how people’s life is faring in the rest of the country since very rarely the media, the politicians , you or me  care about them : I admit my guilt here).

so here is a positive thing that i am seeing from up-close (and contributing in some of them).

1) “West Seti Hydro is still trying to build a 750 MW hydro-electric project in the remotest part of Nepal (shunned by rest of Nepal) despite the shit that are being thrown at them by greedy politicians, desperate locals, zealot NGO’s and depressed bureaucracy and “not many qualified manpower left now”. Its been nearly what 12 years now they are trying despite all odds.

2) “Entrepreneurs for Nepal” a young group of entrepreneurs, most of them returnees from USA have been meeting every month to help other young entrepreneurs in startup tips. (Here is the facebook group)

3) People like Bijaya Shiwakoti have been helping answer travelers questions that promotes traveling

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