Tag Archives: change

what if, a million job creation was the election mantra of a new common sense party in Nepal

A couple of What ifs:

  • a) What if some dynamic young leaders of different political parties decided to come together and start fresh and make a new party (the way kadima was formed in Israel).
  • b) What if they then, brought all the young social entrepreneurs and economic advisors into their core political team and make “a  million man job creation” their primary election agenda
  • c) What if they turned to the Non resident Nepalis for funding their organization through their website and transparently post their party spendings.
  • d) What if this youth party decided on “green” and “economic development” as vehicles for change!
  • e) What if the new “youth” party pitched in to form a dream team of national planning commission to put a  successful entrepreneur, a young social entrepreneur, a globalization expert and an environmental social entrepreneur.
  • f) What if this party restricts its leadership’s age limit to 50 years and below.
  • g) What if it advocated chinese, english, hindi, entrepreneurship, mathematics and “effective communication skills” as a pre-requisite subjects for all schoolers upto high school.
  • What if….. (add yours)

some sense of inpsiration amidst all the madness in kathmandu

Here are ‘motivator’ Robin Sharma’s inspirational writings. Hope you will end more positive by the time you finish this. Everyone needs some motivation once in a while !


11 Rules To Change Our World

1. You be the change you dream of seeing (Thanks Mahatma Gandhi). “If everyone of us would sweep their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean,” observed Mother Teresa. She was right.

2. Make time every day to reconnect to your highest ideals and boldest dreams. Without hope, people perish.

3. Leave every person you meet better than you found them. Life’s too short to withhold encouragement and kindness.

4. As I wrote in ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”, see every setback as a stepping stone and every problem as a blessing in disguise. Contrary to what critics might say, these are NOT corny aphorisms. They are timeless truths of humanity. (And critics are just people too scared to grow their dreams anyway – pay no attention to them. The world needs more people lifting people up rather than putting people down).

5. Go the extra mile in everything you do – you don’t need a title to be a leader. And on your

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The current state of affairs in Nepal: Time to wake up


►Nepali who have the ability to create jobs, are afraid to invest time, effort into it,
►Nepali who have wealth, are willing to go to any lengths to hide it,
►Nepali who have ideas and know-how, want to keep it to themselves either out of fear or lack of trust or because they are sucked dry by the negative environment around them,
►Nepali who want to improve but cannot because the  only ways to improve comes at the cost of taking some one else’s space (or rights, or wealth or territory or dignity)

Would you like to change this ?
or are you waiting for the day,

►When people with common sense, are forced to hide their “common sense” out of fear that they will be branded “anti-Nepali”?

What are you doing to change this environment ?

There are 2 kinds of people in Nepal right now. Those who are working to change the environment and the others are who want to wait for others to change it for them?

If you are the 2nd kind, I am sorry for you. I urge you to stop being lazy and for once

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You’ve got to find what you love

Once in a while, we all need some inspiration on the directions of our own lives, specially the educated, talented, ambitious Nepali youths who are in a major cross-roads of their lives. Many are contemplating about which road to take to change Nepal out of the hole we are in today. This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. I come back to this video every now and then, when I realize I need some inspiration at difficult times. Watch the video and share this transcript ! we owe this much to our friends.

Here is the transcript of the video for those of you who want to read it.

You’ve got to find what you love,’ Jobs says.

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three

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when looters become rulers

Here is a movie theme. Begins like this:

डाकुहरु (looters) take turns looting and pillaging a village. The village is sucked high and dry repeatedly. Then a scuffle breaks out among the looters over who gets to loot and pillage the village this season!

The villagers are on their knees, begging for survival. The looters just can’t agree until the very last moment….  Meanwhile the village awaits fearfully.

Lo! A decision has been made. They have decided to let the sucked dry village live but on ONE condition only.
That they be allowed to rule the village unconditionally and with impunity, for one more year.
The villagers all agree! A sigh of relief is heard everywhere, some rejoice the breakthrough! Some are seen thanking their looters for saving  the village from “certain” disaster!
A large quiet majority sit mute, maybe out of fear or disunity. ” ke garne  के गर्ने ? “

Final scene: The Looters rule the village again while another group of looters scheme for their downfall. The villagers are glad to have survived another year ???

THE END. (This Film repeats again……and again……… and again in the Cinema hall near you )

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